V44Duo Codelock with 30 codes

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  • V24246-C3553-A1
  • 4025515473442
Product information "V44Duo Codelock with 30 codes"
The V44 Duo is a programmable codelock for one or two doors. It is possible to set separate codes for each door or the same code for both. V44 Duo also provides the option of door control and alarm output. The V44 Duo has a code capacity of 20 four-digit codes and 10 six-digit codes. By using the V44 Duo’s tamper switch in combination with the SK5 security unit, it is possible to achieve a higher level of security.
Gross weight (KG) 0.75
Purchase unit PCE
EAN/UPC-Code: 4025515473442
Minimum order 1
Statistical code 84719000
Material code V24246-C3553-A1
Net weight 0.713
Country of origin PH
Operating voltage: 10 to 35 VDC 8 to 24 VAC
Dimensions (W x H x D): 80 x 140 x 40 (mm)
Housing: Grau, gegossenes Metall mit Tasten aus rostfreiem Edelstahl und Sicherheitsschloss
Housing protection: IP54
Housing material: Cast metal with stainless steel buttons and security lock
Housing protection (EN 60529): IP54 design
Weight: 0.75kg
Environment: Indoor or outdoor use (IP54 design). In very exposed locations, use SH2 or SH1 rain cover.
Code capacity: 20 four-digit codes and 10 six-digit codes
Door capacity: Two
Opening time: 1-99 seconds programmable from keypad
Outputs: Two voltage-free relay contacts, max. 2 A, 28 VDC. Open collector for duress/alert. Open collector for door bell. Tamper switch for alarm connection (normally closed).
Inputs: Two exit button requests with delay. Two separate for codes disable. Two for door contacts. External control of zero opening.
Current consumption: 75mA in standby
Colour: Blue
Operating temperature: -35 ~ +55 °C
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