ACTpro-100 Door Station

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  • V54502-C120-A100
  • 7330082004553
Tuotetiedot "ACTpro-100 Door Station"
The ACTpro-100 facilitates the expansion of an additional door on the ACTpro controller (ACTpro-1500 and ACTpro-1520) and connects to the ACTpro controller via RS485. The decision to grant or deny access is made by the ACTpro Controller.
Gross weight (KG) 0.6
Osta yksikkö PCE
EAN/UPC-Code: 7330082004553
Mindestabnahme 1
Statistical code 84719000
Material code V54502-C120-A100
Net weight 0.510
Country of origin CN
ACTpro Software ACTpro Software
ACTpro Software ACTpro Software
PDM-I12  PIR detector PDM-I12 PIR detector
1500-VR50K 1500-VR50K