ASE5300-MA Mangtm. Intf. -Upg

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  • P24246-P2803-A1-E
Produktinformation "ASE5300-MA Mangtm. Intf. -Upg"
Denna licens-SKU används för uppgraderingar till MP2.8 framåt. The Management Station Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to integrate SiPass integrated alarms and monitoring with existing building management solutions. This provides the opportunity to create a seamless connection for all your building monitoring needs. You can achieve an effective solution by overseeing and manually commanding all of your SiPass integrated devices via a third-party building management application. Note: To facilitate seamless communication between the Management Station API and SiPass integrated, a small amount of software development is required for the third-party application. With the aid of the SiPass integrated Management Station API Development Guide, this task is relatively simple for a software engineer. To order the SiPass integrated software extensions, you must first complete a software license order form. Please contact your SiPass integrated supplier for further information.
Mängdenhet PCE
Minsta orderantal 1
Ursprungsland AU
Material code P24246-P2803-A1-E
Nettovikt 0.000
Statistisk kod 49019900
ECCN 5D992
SPCG3C  Kapsling SPCG3C Kapsling