SO/Piccolo/BL/G3/S5 Sound/Beacon G3

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  • N54539-Z135-A100
  • 6309913
  • 7330082004010
Produktinformation "SO/Piccolo/BL/G3/S5 Sound/Beacon G3"
The Picollo sounder/Beacon has EN50131 grade 3 approval for internal applications. This flexible and aesthetically pleasing device can be configured in different operational modes. In addition to the visual alarm output, there are system status LED's that can be used to provide additional status indications.
Bruttovikt (KG) 0.168
Mängdenhet PCE
EAN/UPC-Kod: 7330082004010
Minsta orderantal 1
Material code N54539-Z135-A100
Ursprungsland GB
Nettovikt 0.145
Statistisk kod 85311095
Sabotageskydd: When opening and tearing
Arbetstemperatur: -15°C to +40°C
Dimensions (W x H x D): 85mm x 125mm x 37.5mm
Kapslingmaterial: Lid - white ABS LED window - blue ABS
Ljudnivå: 112 dB (A) @ 1 metre
Kapsling: Lid - white ABS LED window - blue ABS
Strömförsörjning drift: 100mA sounder and beacon
Ingångsspänning: 9-15VDC
Driftspänning : 12VDC nominal
Sabotagekontakt: Cover and removal of mounting surface
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