SPCevo Ready2Go

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  • L54541-N112-A200
  • 6310572
Produktinformation "SPCevo Ready2Go"
The SPCevo Ready2Go kit consists of following standard products: 1 x N54536-Z231-A100 MK440 Magnetic contact, white 1 x N54539-Z147-A100 SP203 Indoor sounder 1 x V54530-F114-A100 PDM-I12 PIR detector 1 x SPC42 SPCevo, Grade 2 Intrusion Panel 1 x V54543-F101-A100 SPCK420.100 LCD keypad.2x16 Char.
Bruttovikt (KG) 0.1
Mängdenhet PCE
Minsta orderantal 1
Statistisk kod 85311030
Material code L54541-N112-A200
Nettovikt 0.100
Ursprungsland PH