GMXW0 Boit.encastr. mur/plafond-GM7xx

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  • V54534-H100-A100
Informations sur le produit "GMXW0 Boit.encastr. mur/plafond-GM7xx"
The GMXW0 is a mounting kit including a polystyrene mould that sits in the unset concrete. The polystyrene mould is mounted on a metal back plate with tapped mounting holes for the GM7xx seismic detectors. Once the concrete is set, the polystyrene can be carefully removed to expose a recess box. It offers sufficient space to install a GM7xx detector in the wall or the ceiling and provides access for cables via conduit to and from the detector.
Poids brut (KG) 1.158
Unité d\'achat PCE
Réception minimum 1
Code de matériau V54534-H100-A100
Poids net 1.100
Code statistique 85311030
Pays d'origine PL
IRUM2  Rotule murale IRUM2 Rotule murale
SPCG3C  Coffret G3 SPC SPCG3C Coffret G3 SPC